Sunday 19 July 2020

  • A) Prof. M.O.P. Iyenger
    B) Prof. J.N. Mishra
    C) Prof. R.R. Mishra
    D) Prof. R.N. Singh
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  • A) Algae
    B) Fungi
    C) Bacteria
    D) All the above
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  • A) Fritsch
    B) Papenfus
    C) Smith
    D) Morris
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  • A) Type of pigment
    B) Nature of cell wall material
    C) Nature of reserve food
    D) All the above
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  • A) Chlorophyceae
    B) Myxophyceae
    C) Rhodophyceae
    D) Phaeophyceae
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  • A) Polysiphonia
    B) Postelsia
    C) Ectocarpus
    D) Macrocystis
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  • A) Gigartina
    B) Gelidium
    C) Gracillaria
    D) All the above
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  • A) Green algae
    B) Brown algae
    C) Red algae
    D) Blue?green algae
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  • A) Vaucheria
    B) Chara
    C) Nostoc
    D) Polysiphonia
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  • A) Chlorophyceae
    B) Phaeophyceae
    C) Rhodophyceae
    D) Both (b) and (c)
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  • A) A hollow spherical colony
    B) A group of filaments
    C) Palmelloid form
    D) None of the above
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  • A) Chlorophyll 'a'
    B) Chlorophyll 'e'
    C) Phycocyanin
    D) Xanthophyll
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  • A) Gametes are morphologically similar but physiologically dissimilar
    B) Gametes are morphologically dissimilar but physiologicaly similar
    C) Gametes are morphologically and physiologically similar
    D) None of the above
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  • A) Isogamy
    B) Anisogamy
    C) Hologamy
    D) Autogamy
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  • A) Sperm
    B) Zoospore
    C) Oospore
    D) Androspore
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  • A) Coenogametes
    B) Meiogametes
    C) Mitogametes
    D) None of these
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  • A) Vaucheria
    B) Polysiphonia
    C) Cephaleuros
    D) Batrachospermum
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  • A) Chitin
    B) Cutin
    C) Cellulose
    D) Suberin
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  • A) Dictyota
    B) Fucus
    C) Nostoc
    D) Gelidium
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  • A) Volvax
    B) Nostoc
    C) Spirogyra
    D) Chlamydomonas
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  • A) Funaria
    B) Chlamydomonas
    C) Pinus
    D) Selaginella
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  • A) Spirogyra
    B) Spirulina
    C) Chlamydomonas
    D) Scytonema
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  • A) Ulothrix
    B) Spirogyra
    C) Oedogonium
    D) All the above
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  • A) Hypnospores
    B) Aplanospores
    C) Macrozoospores
    D) Microzoospores
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  • A) Most algae are photosynthetic
    B) Algae can be classified according to their pigments
    C) All algae are filamentous
    D) Spirogyra does not produce zoospores
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  • A) They both respire and release C{{O}_{2}}
    B) They both are found in the same habitat
    C) They both reproduce asexually
    D) They both have same type of pigments
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  • A) Enzymes
    B) Proteins
    C) Fats
    D) Starch
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  • A) They are good organisms to experiment with
    B) They can be grown in large tank cultures
    C) They may form important constituent of human food (diet) in future
    D) They produce oxygen and organic acids
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  • A) Yeast
    B) Bacteria
    C) Algae
    D) Lactobacillus
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  • A)            In tropical regions where the temperature range is high
    B)            In hot water springs where the temperature remains around 70{}^\circ C
    C)            On the huge rocks exposed to bright sunlight
    D)            In deserts where the temperature in summer remains around 70{}^\circ C
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  • A) Xanthophyll
    B) Carotenoids
    C) \gamma -phycoerythrin
    D) \gamma -phycocyanin
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  • A) Paramylum
    B) Pyrenoid
    C) Volutin
    D) Eye spot
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  • A) Mosses
    B) Liverworts
    C) Fungi
    D) Ferns
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  • A) Chlorella
    B) Spirogyra
    C) Oscillatoria
    D) Ulothrix
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  • A) Cells are uninucleate in algae whereas they are multinucleate in fungi
    B) Chlorophyll present in algae and absent in fungi
    C) The presence of cellulose cell wall and chlorophyllous cells in algae while chitinous cell wall and non-chlorophyllous cells in fungi
    D) The algae are green and fungi are non-green
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  • A) Photosynthesis
    B) Respiration
    C) Photoreception
    D) Movements
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  • A) Haploid
    B) Polyploid
    C) Diploid
    D) None of the above
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  • A) In rainy season
    B) During unfavourable conditions
    C) During favourable conditions
    D) None of the above
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  • A) Algae
    B) Bryophyta
    C) Pteridophyta
    D) Gymnosperm
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  • A) Core of starch surrounded by sheath of protein
    B) Core of protein surrounded by fatty sheath
    C) Proteinaceous centre and starchy sheath
    D) Core of nucleic acid surrounded by protein sheath
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  • A) Chlorophyceae
    B) Rhodophyceae
    C) Myxophyceae
    D) Cyanophages
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  • A) Fungi
    B) Algae
    C) Pteridophytes
    D) Angiosperms
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  • A) Phaeophyceae
    B) Rhodophyceae
    C) Chlorophyceae
    D) Xanthophyceae
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  • A) Mycoplasma
    B) Spirogyra
    C) Chlorella
    D) Blue-green algae
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  • A) Algae
    B) Fungi
    C) Bryophyta
    D) Pteridophyta
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  • A) Naked sex organs
    B) Sex organs covered with sterile covering
    C) Chlorphylls a andb
    D) Aerobic respiration
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  • A) Cephaleuros
    B) Synchytrium
    C) Mucor
    D) Fusarium
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  • A) Chlorophyceae
    B) Phaeophyceae
    C) Rhodophyceae
    D) Xanthophyceae
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  • A) Chlorophyll-a
    B) Chlorophyll-b
    C) Chlorophyll-c
    D) Chlorophyll-d
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  • A) Phycocyanin
    B) Phycoerythrin
    C) Fucoxanthin
    D) Haematochrome
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  • A) Laminaria
    B) Polysiphonia
    C) Porphyra
    D) Gelidium
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  • A) Wax
    B) Butter
    C) Chocolate
    D) Carragenin
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  • A) Triassic
    B) Devonian
    C) Permian
    D) Ordovician
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  • A) Algae
    B) Mosses
    C) Ferns
    D) Gymnosperm
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  • A) Schizomycetes
    B) Rhodophyceae
    C) Chlorophyceae
    D) Phaeophyceae
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  • A) Fresh water
    B) Pond and lake
    C) River
    D) Ocean
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  • A) Oospore
    B) Zoospore
    C) Zygote
    D) Zygospore
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  • A) Epiphytes
    B) Parasites
    C) Saprophytes
    D) Autotrophs
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  • A) Unicellular
    B) Multicellular surrounded by a sterile jacket
    C) Multicellular but not surrounded by any jacket
    D) Unicellular with a sterile jacket
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  • A) Always autotrophic
    B) Always heterotrophic
    C) Both (a) and (b)
    D) None of the above
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  • A) Thallophytes
    B) Bryophytes
    C) Pteridophytes
    D) Gymnosperms
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  • A) Thallophyta
    B) Angiosperms
    C) Gymnosperms
    D) Pteridophyta
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  • A) Fungi and bryophyta
    B) Algae and bryophyta
    C) Algae, fungi and bryophyta
    D) Algae and fungi
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  • A) Chlorine
    B) Fluorine
    C) Iodine
    D) Bromine
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  • A) Trichome
    B) Coenobium
    C) Coenocyte
    D) Parenchymatous
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  • A) Marine water
    B) Fresh water
    C) Tree
    D) Arctic zone
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  • A) A large non-motile female gamete and a small non-motile male gamete
    B) A large motile female gamete and a small non-motile male gamete
    C) A small non-motile female gamete and a large motile male gamete
    D) A large non-motile female gamete and a small motile male gamete
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  • A) Green algae
    B) Red algae
    C) Brown algae
    D) Blue green algae
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  • A) Bryophytes
    B) Gymnosperms
    C) Green algae
    D) Angiosperms
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  • A) Epilithic
    B) Epifolic
    C) Coenolithic
    D) None of these
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  • A) Starch formation
    B) Protein storage
    C) General metabolism
    D) Enzyme secretion
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  • A) Starch
    B) Glycogen
    C) Fat
    D) Sugar
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  • A) Gamete
    B) Zygote
    C) Sporogonium
    D) Zoospore
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  • A) Equisetum
    B) Selaginella
    C) Marsilea
    D) None of these
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  • A) Red algae
    B) Green algae
    C) Diatoms
    D) Brown algae
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  • A) Green algae
    B) Brown algae
    C) Red algae
    D) Blue green algae
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  • A) Chlamydomonas
    B) Ulothrix
    C) Spirogyra
    D) Acetabularia
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  • A) Ulothrix
    B) Anabaena
    C) Ulva
    D) Hydrodictyon
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